Here is IKEAs Bug Burger!

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Three years ago Ikeas future lab Space10 made ”Tomorrows meatball”, were one of the meatballs (crispy bug ball) was made with mealworms. Now the lab has made another go at the food of the future and among the new dishes we find a Bug burger!

And as you can see from the photo it looks gorgeous!

Ikeas bug burger (photo: Kasper Kristoffersen, Ikea)

Ikeas bug burger (photo: Kasper Kristoffersen, Space10)

Here are the list of ingredients:

  • 100 g beetroot
  • 50 g parsnip
  • 50 g potatoes
  • 50 g mealworms

I really have to try making this one! And just like Ikea use my meatgrinder!

Grinding bugburger ingredients (photo: Kasper Kristoffersen, Ikea)

Grinding bugburger ingredients (photo: Kasper Kristoffersen, Space10)

Unfortunately there are no plans at the moment to launch the burger in Ikeas restaurants.

See more photos and read about the other future food dishes in Space10s post here >>

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