The Eating insects startups: Here is the list of Entopreneurs around the world!

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This list was originally created on the 23rd of October 2015 to honor the first edition of the World Edible Insect Day. It is a list of entopreneurs around the world. With entopreneurs I mean companies, organisations and individuals who either are working on an edible-insect product, are planning to deliver one or are just advocating the benefits of eating insects. It also includes insect farming and other related businesses.

A lot has happended since 2015. A lot of the entopreneurs are out of business (you find some of them a long way down the list), others have been bought up or changed their line of business. And every year new companies are popping up. Originally this list was categorized in a way that showed people the vast amount of different kind of insect products that were produced. With categories called ”protein-bars/insect bars”, ”Protein shake/nutrition supplements”, Insect candy/snacks”, ”Insect /cricket flour/powder”, ”Insect pasta”, ”Special insect products”, etc
In early 2019 I decided to change this categorization as many producers where working in different fields. Instead it uses broader categories and have been organized in way where you can see which countries different companies are based.

In June 2019 I wrote a separate article about all the different kind of insect products that are marketed. You find this article here >>

The list is not complete and will never be complete. Keeping up with the development of this business is almost impossible.
Please let me know if you find something that is missing or wrong!

—- Don’t miss my other big article: ”The big list of edible insect products”—-

Please post comments if you would like to add a company to the list.
The list was partly updated 2023-03-18
IMPORTANT: I no longer have time to research new companies. The list is updated when companies contact me with additions or corrections.


Insects for human consumption
Insect products for human consumption
Online stores selling insects for human consumption
Whole sale – edible insects

Professional insect farmers
Other farms, farm consulting, technology, equipment
Home farming insects
Insect farming for the poor

Insects as pet food
Insects as animal feed

Research projects
Insect industry organisations
Insect eating advocates & chefs
Podcasts and Youtube Channels

Here is a list of startups that seems to have stopped existing (they are not inclued in the company count)
Please contact Bugburger if that is not the case.


Insect products for human consumption:

Here is the list of companies selling edible insect products under its own brands. Protein bars, insect powder, snacks, crispbread pasta, and more unique products like insect infused beer, bitters, smoothies and burgers.
If you are interested in whole insects you can contact a professional farmer directly. They also often provide insect powder that are used by the companies below. Some of the companies below both breed insects and make their own products.

Chepulines ( (Argentina)


Circle Harvest ( (Australia)
Edible bug shop has rebranded its products to ”Circle harvest”.  Producing pasta, snacks and crisps.

GrubsUp ( (Australia)
Cricket bar, powder and roasted crickets.

Hoppa Foods ( (Australia)

Prime Insects ( (Austria)

Zirp Insects ( (Austria)
Protein bars, snacks and their own bug burger!


Aldento ( (Belgium)
Formerly ”Goffard Sisters” makes the Aldento Insect powder pasta.

Beesect: Beetles Beer ( (Belgium)

From Belgium insect pasta (Goffard sisters) and beetles beer.

From Belgium insect pasta (Goffard sisters) and Beetles beer (Beesect).

Kriket ( (Belgium)
”Belgiums first cricket bar)

Nimavert ( (Belgium)
Makes food like ravioli and croquettes with mealworms as one of the main ingredients.
Have also taken over Litte Foods recipes and makes their tapenade

Bulagarian insect company ( (Bulgaria)

FasoPro ( (Burkina Faso)


Earth Proof Protein ( (Canada)

Entomo Farms ( (Canada)

Fit Cricket Nutrition ( (Canada)

Grillon le Pain ( (Canada)

Landish ( (Canada)

Näak ( (Canada)
A wide range of energy cricket bars.

Tricycle ( (Canada)


BioHexaPro ( (Colombia)
Started January 2018. Will produce Burger, Protein Bar, Cricket Flour for Agriculture and Pet Food.

Cricket chips

Cricket chips from Czech company Grig. (Photo:

Entomo Foodafrica ( (D.R. Congo)

Costa Rica Come Insectos (FB page) (Costa rica)

Cric – Costa Rica Insect Company ( (Costa rica)

Gricket House (FB page) (Costa rica)


Black Food Market ( (Czech Republic)

Crunchy worms ( (Czech Republic)

Entoway ( (Czech Republic)

Farmerio ( (Czech Republic)

Grig ( (Czech Republic)
Producing  various insect snacks including their bestseller cricket chips.

Terraz ( (Czech Republic)
Making cricket pasta.

Sens food ( (Czech republic / Germany / Thailand)
Originally a Czech company that started as a kickstarter in 2016. Now with a big cricket farm in Thailand and production of edible insect products in both Prague, Czech Republic and Berlin, Germany.

WormUP ( (Czech Republic)

Bioinsect ( (Denmark)

Crickster ( (Denmark)

Enorm ( (Denmark)
Danish company making insect bars with lesser mealworm (and other snacks).

Hey Planet ( (Denmark)
Have changed its namn from ”Daretoeat” to ”Wholi food”, and now: Hey planet. Are still into producing healthy food products using insects as an important ingedient.

Syngja ( (Denmark)
Read more about their cricket shot here >>


ChefBug ( (Finland)

Crickets Online Oy ( (Finland)
Crickets online runs the Bug Bazaar webshop and the brand Party Bugs (

Griidy ( (Finland)
Finnish cricket products.


Insectes Comestibles (, (France)
Creators of Insecteo (  snacks and Kinjao ( pasta.

Some of the great products from Jiminis. (photo: Jimini)

Jimini’s ( (France)
One of the biggest resellers in Europe, with a whole range of different products.
I have personally tried out the spiced snack insects and protein bars.
Read test (in Swedish) here >>

Micronutis ( (France)

Minus farm ( (France)
Micros farm selling its own products.


Beneto Foods (, (Germany)
Three different flavors of cricket pasta.

Catch-your-bug ( (Germany)

Isaac nutrition ( (Germany)
Europes first protein powder with insects! Uses buffalo worms from Protifarm.

My Bugbur ( (Germany)

Plumento Foods ( (Germany)
Pasta, cookies and a protein shake.

Sens food ( (Czech republic / Germany / Thailand)
Originally a Czech company that started as a kickstarter in 2016. Now with a big cricket farm in Thailand and production of edible insect products in both Prague, Czech Republic and Berlin, Germany.

Six feet to eat ( (Germany)

Snack Insects ( (Germany)
Behind the brand: Bug break (

Swarm Protein ( (Germany)

Wicked Crickets – bricket. A protein bar med with cricket powder.

Wicked Cricket ( (Germany)
Roasted cricket snacks.


Foodybug ( (Italy)

Fucibo ( (Italy)

Small Chomp ( (Italy)

Biblical protein ( (Israel/USA)
Creating kosher grasshopper based products (a brand from Hargol).

Flying Spark ( (Israel)
Israeli company working with fruit fly larvae. The currently produce whole powder, reduced-fat powder, dry larva and larvae oil.

Hargol ( (Israel)
Farms kosher grasshoppers and makes grasshopper protein powder.

Bugmo ( (Japan)

Ellie ( (Japan)

Fuego ( (Japan)

Futurenaut ( (Japan)

MNH Ltd ( (Japan)

Takeo ( (Japan)

Acheta JSC ( (Lithuania)
Farms crickets producing cricket powder and dried crickets with different flavors.

Crickets ( (Lithuania)

Ento ( (Malaysia)


Becrickets ( (Mexico)

EnGrillo ( (Mexico)

Entotech Foods ( (Mexico

Giiga MX ( (Mexico)

Gran Mitla (, (Mexico)
”Sal de Gusano is a traditional Oaxacan spice made from sea salt, toasted and ground agave worms and chile costeño. A distinct Oaxacan flavor to accompany your Mezcal, Tequila or Michelada, on fruits and salads, or in signature Mexican dishes.”

Gricha (, (Mexico)
Making insect cookies

Griyum ( (Mexico)
Mexican grasshopper crisps.

Insect nutrition ( (Mexico)

Merci Mercado ( (Mexico)
Locally produced and collected Mexican edible insects/products.

Nutrinsectos ( (Mexico)

Sal de Aqui ( (Mexico)

Smart bites ( (Mexico)

Zofo ( (Mexico)

De Krekerij ( (The Netherlands)
The dutch bugburger! Also behind: Little Hoppers (

Delibugs ( (Netherlands)

Distribugs ( (The Netherlands)

Enough Insects ( (The Netherlands)

Gaia foods ( (The Netherlands)

Kreca Food ( (The Netherlands)

Sprinkhaan BV  ( (The Netherlands)

Tiny Foods ( (The Netherlands)

Cricket corn chips from Primal Future, New Zealand (photo: Primal Future).

Eat Crawlers ( (New Zealand)

Live Longer ( (New Zealand)

Primal Future ( (New Zealand)

Acheta ( (Norway)
Norwegian startup selling cricket powder under its own brand.

Invertapro ( (Norway/Tanzania)
Their brand is called:
Larveriet (

Urbanmat (, (Norway)
Breeding and selling insects both whole and prepared.

Entopiruw (Facebook Page) (Peru)
Working on commercializing edible insects in Peru. First prototype ”the demolitor”, a power bar.

Portugal Bugs ( (Portugal)

Plento ( (Singapore)


Mopani Queens (Facebook page) (South Africa)
The only company in South Africa and sells flavored Mopani Caterpillars or Mopani Worms as they are known there.
Barbeque, chilli, chutney and the original salted flavour.


Entofit ( (Spain)
We are a Spanish start-up that try to introduce the culture of entomophagy in our country.
On our website you can find healthy snacks with different flavors, made from tenebrio molitor, (mealworm).

Trillions ( (Spain)

Eat:em ( (Sweden)
Sells a cricket bar and crispbread.

Larry & Friends (Sweden)

Tebrito ( (Sweden)
Working on their own protein product based on mealworms.

Crick ( (Switzerland)
Making cricket crispbread.

Entomos ( (Switzerland)

essento ( (Switzerland)

Simply Bugs ( (Switzerland)
The meat company Micarnas insect food pop up project.


Bricket ( (Thailand)
The cricket sausage.

Bugsolutely ( (Thailand)
Cricket pasta.

Edible.Cricket ( (Thailand/Sweden)
Thai-Swedish company Global Bugs sell their insects through their brand Edible.Cricket.

Powder Bugs ( (Thailand)

ProPro ( (Thailand)
Cricket protein energy bars.

Protanica ( (Thailand)
Produces cricket powder

Next Food ( (Thailand)
Sells whole insects and spicy whole insects.

Thailand Unique ( (Thailand)
One of the oldest online shops for edible insects, creates a lot of its products.

Insect starter kit from Grub


Bugfarm Foods ( (UK)
Dr Beynon’s Bugfarm, in Wales, also home to the insect food restaurant Grub Kitchen and now also producing and selling their own insect infused cookies, and other insect products.

 The Cricket Hop Co ( (UK/Vietnam)
A UK based company with a farm in Vietnam making and selling cricket powder.

Crunchy critters ( (UK)
Online shop that sell a lot of whole insects, but also have developed a couple of products using their own branding.

Eat grub ( (UK)
Except selling protein bars, snacks and cricket powder Eat Grub is selling freezedried insects , collecting recipes and advocating insect eating.

Ento Kitchen ( (UK)

Hop Bar ( (UK)

Krick8 ( (UK)
Insect powder pasta.

Mini Feasts, ( (UK)
UK farmed mealworms sold whole and as powder.

Nutribug (, (UK)

Saved food (, (UK)

Small Giants ( (UK)
Formally known as Crické.  Makes insect-based savoury snacks.
(read Bugburgers review of the Cricket crackers here >>)

Yum Bug (previously now as BUG | Better Universal Grub Ltd) ( (UK)
Started out creating edible insect recipes. Now they sell them in boxes together with the bug ingredients. An easy way to start making food with edible insects. (Read Bugburger review of the first kits)


3 Cricketeers ( (USA)

Aketta ( (USA)
Aspires brand for cricket products.

All Things Bugs ( (USA)
The company behind the cricket powder Griopro (  The ”original patented cricket powder”.

ArboVe Foods ( (USA)
Breeding and making products with mealworms.

Baio bar ( (USA)

Biblical protein ( (USA/Israel)
Creating kosher grasshopper based products.

Bud’s Cricket Powder ( (USA)
A brand from Harrison Food Group.

Bug Out Bar ( (USA)
Preparing launch of a cricket bar.

Chapul ( (USA)
One of the pioneers. There are lot of people out there that think Patrick Crowley really came up with a great way of serving crickets as food when he founded Chapul (Aztec for crickets). Chapul sells both cricket bars and insect powder.

Chirps (
Used to be called Six foods. Produces Chirps crisps and protein powder.

Cricket Flours ( (USA)

Don Bugito ( (USA)
”The prehistoric snackeria”, originally started out selling mexican insect food, but now also selling its own products.

Entolution (Facebook-page) (USA)

Entosense ( (USA)
The company behind the Ento marketplace, Wholesale edible insects, a blog and an education platform.

Evolution Ranch ( (USA)

Exo ( (USA)
One of the early players. Bought by Aspire 2018

Gym-n-eat crickets ( (USA)

Hi! (Human improvment) ( (USA)
Formerly known as Crick Nutrition

Hotlix ( (USA)
Hotlix are the pioneers of ”insects candy” and started their business in the 70:s. They sell the classic lollipops with a worm, dried grasshoppers etc. They have relied a lot on the scary/yuck factor of insects, and maybe they won’t do that well when insects become more mainstream.

Mighty Cricket ( (USA)

Paradox Protein ( (USA)

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Online stores selling insects for human consumption:

For Swedish readers of this post, please check out Bugburgers shopping guide >>
Another important notice:
Below I have included shops that are:
-specialized in edible insects
-sells edible insect products from several brands.

Almost every producer of edible insect products sell their own goods from their websites. So please checkout the individual company/brand sites in the list above >>

Little Bugs ( (Belgium)

Crickeaters ( (Czech Republic)

Grig ( (Czech Republic)

DinInsektButik ( (Denmark)

Insekt Protein ( (Denmark)

Spiselige insekter ( (Denmark)

Insectes comestibles ( (France)

Grig ( (Germany/Czech republic)

Insectarian ( (Germany)

Wustengarnele ( (Germany)

21 Bites ( (Italy)
”21bites is the first European online shop where you can buy edible insects products from the best European companies today on the market, carefully-selected to ensure the highest quality and safety.”


Bugoom ( (Japan)

Bugs farm ( (Japan)

Futurenaut ( (Japan)


Insectos Gourmet ( (Mexico)

Insect nutrition ( (Mexico)

Food Bugs ( (Poland)

Grig ( (Poland/Czech republic)


Insectum ( (Spain)

Nutrinsecto ( (Spain)

Gourmet Bugs ( (Switzerland)


Earth and me ( (UK)

Future Food Shop ( (UK)
Selling food made of insects and other ”future food”.

Karios Bugs ( (UK)

Entomarket ( (USA)


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Whole sale – edible insects:

Here is a list of companies who works primarily wholsesale selling insects to restaurants, shops etc.

Deli Ostrich ( (Belgium)
A company that sells a lot of exotic animals as food. Including a couple of species of insects that are sold frozen to shops.

Distribugs ( (Netherlands)

Insect trading ( (Netherlands)

Khloro ( (Australia)
Marketplace for alternative proteins.

M-food ( (Belgium)
Selling mealworms, crickets and grasshoppers as food ingredients.

Wholesale Edible Insects (USA)

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Professional insect farmers (for human consumption)

Here a list of companies that are rearing insects for human consumption. Some really large, some still small scale.


Schubugs Cricket Farm ( (Australia)

Entomobio ( (Belgium)
Bread mealworms  and sell them dried, frozen and as powder.


Entomo Farms ( (Canada)

Neoxis group ( (Canada)

Oberland Agrisciense  ( (Canada)
BSF farm

Tricycle ( (Canada)

Cricky ( (Croatia)

Micrento ( (Czech Republic)

Bugging Denmark ( (Denmark)
(an urban cricket farm)

Enorm Bio Factory ( (Denmark)
Farming Black Soldier Fly.

Entomation ( (Denmark)
Working on developing an automated cricket farm.

Heimdal Entofarm ( (Denmark)

Marienlyst Ento ( (Denmark)


Entoinnov ( (France)

Micronutris ( (France)

Ynsect ( (France)


EntoSus ( (Germany)

Six feet to eat Insektenzucht GmbH (Germany)

Persephon ( (Greece)

Inprotin ( (Guatemala)

Biobug International ( (Indonesia)
First commercial cricket farm in Bali, Indonesia.

Hargol Food Tech ( (Israel)
World’s first commercial grasshopper farm. Active from Israel and sells whole grasshoppers and grasshopper powder.

Italian Cricket Farm ( (Italy)
Claims to be the largest cricket farm in Italy.

Insecti Pro ( (Kenya)

Acheta JSC ( (Lithuania)
Farms crickets producing cricket powder and dried crickets with different flavors. ( (Lithuania)
Company deal in growing, processing and selling of edible crickets.

Entogama ( (Lithuania)
A R&D and cricket farming company do wholesales of fresh frozen/ dried and powder.

Eurocrickets  UAB ( (Lithuania)
”Leading farm in Baltic States of insects Acheta Domesticus, acting in B2B and B2C sector. Regular supply of freshly prepared and purest crickets in different shapes: alive, frozen, dried, milled (cricket powder). We supply where you are.”

Entomovit ( (Mexico)

Optiprot ( (Mexico)

Nutrinsectos ( (Mexico)
Located in Guadalajara, Mexico, where Nutrinsectos raise food grade crickets, Mealworms and Superworms.


Albinsecta ( (Netherlands)

Entobreed ( (Netherlands)

Kreca ( (Netherlands)
Part of Proti-Farm ( 

Protifarm ( (Netherlands)
Now owned by Ynsect.

Protix ( (Netherlands)

Otago Locusts (Facebook page) (New Zealand)


Urbanmat ( (Norway) is a cricket farmer(field crickets) and mealworm farmer in Norway.
We produce live food for pets, cricket powder, dried crickets, roasted crickets and cooked crickets.

Asia Insect Farm Solutions ( (Singapore)

Entogourmet ( (Spain)

Insectos Galicia ( (Spain)

Naturcrïck Farms ( (Spain)

Nutrix ( (Portugal)


Tebrito ( (Sweden)

Eco Insect Farming ( (Thailand)

Global Bugs ( (Thailand/Sweden)
Swedish/Thai company building a big modern insect farm in Thailand called Insect City.

The Cricket Lab ( (Thailand/Czech republic)
Building ”the largest cricket farm in the world)

Powder bugs ( (Thailand)


Cricket foods ( (UK)

Entocycle ( (UK)
Automated BSF farm based in London.

Horizon Insects ( (UK)
Small urban insect farm.

Instar Farming ( (UK)
Farming crickets for food in the UK.

Six legs farms ( (UK)

3 cricketeers ( (USA)

Armstrong Cricket Farm ( (USA)

Aspire FG (, (Ghana, USA)
Aspire has two parts: One part working on commercial cricket farming in the US. And one part in Ghana which is a commercial palm weevil farm and ”a program which empowers peri-rural farmers to raise palm weevils locally”.

Cowboy Cricket Farms ( (US)
”We have a family farm in Montana called Cowboy Cricket Farms. We raise crickets, do research, and sell 3 cricket products: Chocolate Chirp Cookie, Cricket powder, and Cricket flour.”

The Cricket Depot ( (USA)
Cricket farm selling insects (super worms, crickets and BSF larvae) as pet food.

Rainbow Mealworms (, (USA)


Cricket One ( (Vietnam)

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Other farms, farm consulting, technology, breeding, equipment:

Qubo ( (Canada)
Makes the Chirpbox, turning a container into a cricket farm.

Entofactory ( (Chile)

Proteinea ( (Egypt/USA)

Bugbox ( (Estonia)
Edible insects mass rearing technology and software

EntoCube ( (Finland)
EntoCube insect farm works well almost everywhere, but the original idea was to provide a solution for poor people in developing countries. Now they are more concentrated on providing solutions for cricket farmers both in Finland and abroad.
Read Bugburgers interview (in Swedish) with one of the founders >>

Entotrust ( (Germany)
We are an independent organization, certifying the quality of food and beverage products, containing edible insects. Certified products are safe and sustainable.

Farminsect ( (Germany)

Six leg consulting ( (Germany)
Practical Consulting for the Industrial Insect Production

FreezeM ( (Israel)
Providing ready-to-use BSF eggs or neonates to rearing facilities worldwide

DL Novel Food s.r.l . ( (Italy)
It ’a start up that has created a breeding technology for Acheta Domestica, dedicated to large retailers. To date, we breed and experiment with future products to put human consumption on the market.
The people who search and contact us are interested in breeding and starting up a business using our technology.

Sarnergy ( (Kenya)
Waste management.

Cogastro ( (Lithuania)
Helps edible insect farmers to digitize data collection and analysis processes. Have developed an IoT based solution that can be applied to mealworms, big soldier flies and crickets farms of any size.

Amusca ( (The Netherlands)
Amusca enables companies worldwide to produce insect larvae locally using our smart insect technology and services, so that they are able to produce high-quality animal nutrition, added-value products and biochemicals: clean, green and natural.

Corosect ( (The Netherlands /Serbia)
CoRoSect is developing a novel Cognitive Robotic System for Digitalized and Networked (Automated) Insect Farms. We bring leading-edge robotics, AI, and some of the best experts in our industry – to help embrace automation and wave goodbye to the monotonous and mundane tasks.

Insect Engineers ( (The Netherlands)

NGN New Generation Nutrition ( (The Netherlands)
New Generation Nutrition is a frontrunner in developing insect-based solutions for feed and food, in both developed and developing country contexts. With over ten years of combined experience, NGN aims to provide sustainable insect applications that have economic, environmental and social value.

Wadudu Insecten Centrum ( (The Netherlands)
An Insect Center focusing on Advice, Research & Production of both mealworms and Black Soldier Flies. They also teach others how to start farming.

Entomo ventures ( (Singapore)
Smart solutions for insect farms.

Protenga ( (Singapore)
Develops intensive insect farming systems for sustainable protein production

Vandalsoft ( (South Korea)
Makes a smart farm system for cricket farming and breed the crickets.


Origen Farms ( (Spain)

Proteinsecta ( (Spain)
Helping you setting up your insect farm.


Sciins ( (Sweden)
SciIns is a Swedish company that offers healthy, viable and productive breeding animals for the sustainable development of the insect-for-food and feed industry

Beta Bugs ( (UK)
Cutting edge biotechnology company that produces enhanced insect strains for the growing insect farming industry.

Better origin ( (UK)
Better origin (formally known under the name Entomics) is developing enabling technology solutions for the growing insects for food&feed sector. At maturity the insects are processed into fish or animal feed and a number of grades of fertiliser.

Flyr ( (UK)
FLYR is a black soldier fly farming company that specialises in technology and consulting

Multibox ( (UK)
Multibox is committed to becoming the world’s lowest cost producer of insects from vegetable crop and vegetable manufacturing waste.

River Road Reserach ( (UK)
River Road Research is a technology company founded in 2010 that has been working in the space of food waste recycling. The major outcomes include a technology to safely preserve and stabilize food waste, transforming it into a perfect feed for black soldier fly larvae. We also have patents pending in black soldier fly rearing and organic batteries.


Big cricket solutions ( (USA)

Insectergy ( (USA)
”INSECTERGY develops insect and cannabis farming technologies.”

Ovipost ( (USA)
”We build technology to help insect farms reduce costs, scale production, and help the planet.”

Space coast Mealworms ( (USA)
Mealworm farm but also the creator of the pupae sifting tray and pupae bridge. Check it out!

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Home farming insects:

Livin farms coming system:

Livin farms system: ”The Hive” (photo: Livin Farms)


Livin Farms (, (Hong Kong/Austria)
Katarine Ungers beautiful project Farm 432 has turned into a real product the Hive, and lately the educational project Hive Explorer.

Beobia (
Home insects farm project.

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Insect farming for the poor:

Some companies main focus is to come up with solutions that can help poor people in poor countries breed insects and give them a cheap source of protein.

MealFlour ( (Guatemala/USA)
MealFlour is a social enterprise founded in 2015 to promote better nutrition through sustainable farming of protein-rich mealworms.

Insects for all ( (Netherlands)

Farms for orphans ( (USA)

Aspire FG (, (Ghana, USA)
Aspire has two parts: One part working on commercial cricket farming in the US. And one part in Ghana which is a commercial palm weevil farm and ”a program which empowers peri-rural farmers to raise palm weevils locally”.

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Insects as pet food:

Yora dog food made with insects.

Why not give your best friend an insect snack? Dog food with a smaller pawprint!


Buggy Bix ( (Australia)


Obies worms ( (Canada)

Wilder Harrier ( (Canada)


Reglo ( (France)

Tomojo ( (France)

Green Pet Food ( (Germany)

Bugbell ( (Germany)

Eat Small ( (Germany)

Ofrieda ( (Germany)

Tenetrio ( (Germany)

Petgood ( (Sweden)
(used to be called Funcifur)

Bug bakes ( (UK)

Lovebug ( (UK/Germany?)
Cat food produced by one of the worlds biggest petfood producers Mars.

Yora Petfoods ( (UK)

Chloes treats ( (USA)

Conscientious cat ( (USA)
Sustainable, ethical cat food.

Cricket Kitchen Pet Treats ( (USA)

Forage Pet Foods ( (USA)

Grubbets ( (USA)
Dried black soldier fly larvae for chickens and pets.

Jiminys ( (USA)


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Insects as animal feed:

Several companies see the potential in feeding livestock, fish, pigs and poultry with insects instead of other protein sources. Not as energy efficient like eating the insects ourselves but more environmentally friendly then shipping soya beens all over the world and feeding fish with fish. Especially if you can feed insects with leftovers from for instance the food industry.

Procens ( (Argentina)

BeyondAg ( (Australia)

Goterra ( (Australia)

Protein farm ( (Belgium)

Nasekomo ( (Bulgaria)


Enterra ( (Canada)

Entosystem ( (Canada)

Snackyard ( (Canada)
Snackyard Canadian-farmed black soldier fly larvae are a highly nutritious snack loved by backyard chickens, ducks, and turkeys. Grown on a zero-waste, carbon-positive farm Snackyard BSFL are raised on a carefully curated diet of CFIA-approved ingredients.

F4F – Food for the futue ( (Chile)

BioFLY ( (Colombia)

ProNuvo ( (Costa Rica)

Entomass ( (Denmark)

Insectum ( (Denmark)

Volare ( (Finland)

Proteinea ( (Egypt)

Bugimine ( (Estonia)


Next Alim ( (France)

nextProtein ( (France)

Ynsect ( (France)

Hermetia ( (Germany)

Insectifii ( (India)

Magalarva ( (Indonesia)
Is a sustainable protein producer for animal feed by bio-converting organic waste using black soldier fly.

Loopento ( (Iran)

Hexafly ( (Ireland)
Making products with Black Soldier Fly. Primarily for feed.

Italian Cricket Farm ( (Italy)
Claims to be the largest cricket farm in Italy.

Entofood ( (Malaysia)

Nutrition Technologies ( (Malaysia/Singapore/UK/Vietnam)

Blue Protein ( (Marocco)
Breed black soldier fly for animal feed.

Illucens ( (Mexico)

Illucens ( (Netherlands)

Proento ( (Netherlands/Mexico)

Protix ( (Netherlands)

Syklus ( (Netherlands)
Are breeding and rearing Black Soldier Flies for the petfood industry and the ornamental fish and bird industry.

Magprotein ( (Nigeria)

Hipromine ( (Poland)

Hermetia ( (Russia)

Onto ( (Russia)

Flyfarm ( (Singapore)

Inseact ( (Singapore)

Agriprotein ( (South Africa)

Inseco ( (South Africa)

MealFood Europe ( (Spain)


Nordic Enterra Company (  (Sweden)

Bassett’s cricket ranch ( (USA)

Beta hatch ( (USA)

Enviroflight ( (USA)

Fluker farms ( (USA)

Green Atrium (

Grubbly Farms ( (USA)

Popworms ( (USA)

Vivotein ( (USA)

Entobel ( (Vietnam)

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Research projects:

Wageningen University ( (Netherlands)
The university responsible for the FAO report: Edible insects – Future prospects for food and feed security
On their webpage you can find a list of all edible insects in the world!

GREEiNSECT ( (Denmark)


Dr Beynons Bugfarm ( (UK)

Danish Technological Institute ( (Denmark)

SLU ( (Sweden)



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Insect industry organisations:

International Platform of Insects for Food and Feed ( (based in Belgium)
IPIFF is a non-profit organisation founded in 2013 which represents the interests of the breeders associated to this organisation.
IPIFF gathers the main private players in the insect industry.

AFFIA ( (Asia)
“The Asian Food and Feed Insect Association- AFFIA- aims at bringing industry and research stakeholders from the insects’ sector in a collaborative movement towards the development of entomoculture, entomophagy and their related activities.”

APICAL ( (Latin America)
Apical is the alliance created between the main participants of the Edible Insects Industry of Latin America, to promote and support the development of the industry in the region.

Aproinsecta ( (Spain)
The Spanish national organisation for companies working with insects as food and feed.

Belgian Insect Industry Federation ( (Belgium)
Unite all actors working in Belgium on the breeding and/or use for commercial purposes of insects and other arthropods.
Exchange and spread the knowledge regarding of insects and other arthropods, more specifically about their breeding and different commercial applications, to the general public, public authorities, the academic world and at a corporate level.
To promote Research & Development regarding the breeding and commercial use of insects and other arthropods, or parts/extracts thereof.

Insektsföretagen ( (Sweden)
The Swedish insect food and feed business organisation.

InsectCentre ( (Netherlands)
InsectCentre is a network organisation. Our goal is to connect all parties who have an interest in contributing to the introduction of insects as feed, food and pharma in order to speed up accomplishments which are greater than those a single participant could reach.

Insect Protein Association of Australia ( (Australia)
Promoting positive, practical and industry relevant regulation and governance.
Our purpose is to encourage and develop the Insect Protein industry to uphold the clean and green brand of Australian produce.
We work to support Insect Farmers, Insect protein suppliers, and retailers.

North American Coalition for Insect Agriculture ( (North America)
”The mission of the North American Coalition for Insect Agriculture is to foster collaboration amongst stakeholders and create a consolidated voice to encourage the positive growth of insects as both feed and food.”

Portugal Insect ( (Portugal)
Portuguese Association of insect Producers and Processors

Venik ( (Netherlands)
Organisation for the dutch insect industry.

Woven Network ( (UK)
Woven Network is set up to directly benefit, through a set of membership services, entrepreneurs and researchers working in the role of insects in the human food chain. Indirectly, through supporting its members, the company will also benefit the wider public across the Globe that need sustainable, alternative sources of protein.

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Insect eating advocates / chefs etc: isn’t the only website promoting insect eating. Here are some other insect advocates that don’t sell stuff, just the message: Eat insects ;-)

Entovegan ( (Cambodia)
Josh Galt proves to the world that it is healthy living an entovegan lifestyle, consuming vegetables, insects and crustaceans. Read Bugburgers interview with Josh here >>

Hmyz na talíři ( (Czech Republic)

Bug Amok ( (Denmark)

Hyönteiskokki – Topi Kairenius ( (Finland)

Finlands entochef!

Crick & Sense ( (France)

Inoveat ( (France)

Entomove Project (, (France)
Florian Nock is an environmental engineer, certified nutritionist and a great advocate of eating insects.

Mikrokosmos Berlin, ( (Germany)

Food Insects ( (Germany)
Anita’s website is fantastic: Packed with information about eating insects in German.


Entomofago ( (Italy)
Just like Bugburger Lorenzo Pezzato have been promoting edible insects by journalism since 2014. But Lorenzo have been way more active then Bugburgers founder, and have really made a website packed with great journalism in three languages: Italian, English and Chinese!

Master Bug ( (Italy)
Italian entochef.

Entonote ( (Italy)
Giulia and Giulia cook with insects

Insect cuisine ( (Japan)
A group that get together once a month to enjoy edible insects.

Chef Melgarejo ( (Mexico)

Bugzz (, (Netherlands)
Catering, workshops, dinners.

Marcel Dicke, ( (Netherlands)
His TED Talk on the topic ”Why not eat insects” from 2010 is an important milestone in the entomophagy movement. See it here >>


Ola Albrektsson ( (Sweden)
In Sweden Ola Albrektsson (who made the recipes for my book) is the go to guy if you want to know more on cooking with insects.


4ento (, (Switzerland)
Ana Day is doing a great job on promoting edible insects. Check out 4ento!

Skyfood – Swiss network for edible insects ( (Switzerland)
Don’t miss Daniel Ambühls fantastic Youtube channel with great interviews and videos from all around the world.
He has also made a bee drone larvae cookbook! Now also in English.

Grub Kitchen ( (UK)
The first dedicated insect restaurant in Britain.

The Bug Chef ( (USA)
The guy behind the classic ”The Eat-A-Bug Cookbook”.

Food Insects Newsletter ( (USA)
The classic source for entomophagy news.

Craft Crickets ( (USA)
Focused on cooking classes.

Eat bug events ( (USA)
Aly Moore knows how to serve insects.

Brooklyn Bugs ( (USA)
Joseph Yoon started the Brooklyn Bugs festival and a career as entochef.

Bug Vivant ( (USA)
Meghan Currys project (not so many updates lately)

Little Herds (, (USA)
RNA, Robert Nathan Allen an co does a great job promoting edible insects in the United States.

Bugible ( (USA)
Advocate: Aly Moore

Ento Nation ( (USA)
A podcast, and  bug news website, hosted by Marc ”the Cricket Man” Sanchez.

Podcasts and Youtube channels!

Don’t miss Bugburgers Youtube channel… but honestly there are some even better channels out there. And podcasts!

Bugs Cooking Japan (Japan)
Youtube channel featuring legendary insect food advocate Shoichi Uchiyama.

Ento Nation ( (USA)
A great podcast hosted by Marc ”the Cricket Man” Sanchez.

Les Criquets Migrateurs (France)
Follow a great edible insect trip around the world!

Skyfood (Switzerland)
Don’t miss Daniel Ambühls fantastic Youtube channel with great interviews and videos from all around the world.

Bug recipes!
Great Youtube channel with recipes from Aaron and Leo

Bugging out! (USA)
Chef PV:s insect cooking youtube channel.

Ento Podcast (UK)
Check out Ross Ento podcast!

Insect startups that disappeared:

Unfortunately not all make it. Here is a list of some of the startups that seems to have stopped existing.
Most of the time the indication of this is that the webpage have been down for a while, sometimes it’s through info from the founders.
Please contact Bugburger if the business is still operating!

Viur (, (Iceland)
Have decided to quit.

Sustainable gains ( (US)

Crunchy Critter Farms ( (US)

Jacuna ( (Mexico)

bodhi ( (UK)

Insectios (
Cookies and seasoned dried insects.

Edible Unique ( (UK)

Slightly nutty ( (USA)

Esculent ( (USA)

Mophagy ( (UK)

BugGrub ( (UK)

Poda foods ( (USA)

Jumping Jack Snack ( (Netherlands)

ofbug (, (Canada)

Entoeats ( (Canada)

Ecobar ( (Australia)

Dimini Cricket ( (France)

Bugs on the menu (Canada)

ento ( (UK)

Gathr foods ( (UK)
Used to make the Crobar

BeEnto ( (UK)

Crispizz ( (France)

Qvicket ( (Sweden)
Swedish insect startup from 2015-2018. Didn’t make it.

Hakuna mat ( (Sweden)
Unfortunately one of Swedens pioneer entopreneurs Hakuna mat didn’t make it.

Jungle bar ( (Iceland)

Ronzo ( (Poland)
A polish start up that worked on cricket capsules.

Buggies ( (Denmark) (USA)

Ben’s Bugs (, (Belgium)
Bugburger likes the fact that Bens makes a hamburger ”Great Burgondy”. They also sells an insect wok-dish.

The Bug Banquet (UK)
”The Bug Banquet is a culinary and aesthetic exploration of entomophaghy which aims to redefine the parameters of food through the art of presentation.”

Cricket Protein Store ( (USA)

CrickEatz ( (UK)

Thinksect ( (USA)

Ozark Fiddler Farms ( (USA)

Crick bar ( (Sweden)

SEQ Foods ( (Netherlands)

Anti Gin (
A unique drink from Nordic Food Lab!

Sexy food ( (France)

Insects for starters ( (Sweden) ( (Norway)

Bugsnacks ( (Vietnam)

Inskt ( (Denmark)
Are about to launch a webshop selling ”raw” edible insects, as well as a few products with insects from different European producers. Will also be offering tasting/cooking events

Chirpy Crickets ( (US)

The Bugchicks ( (USA)

Big Cricket Farms (, (USA)

Insagri ( (Spain)
Established in 2012, offers edible insects (mealworms and crickets) of premium quality in Europe, fed with organic products only.

Jump Bars ( (Canada)

Bug Muscle ( (US)

Green Kow ( (Belgium)
One of the pioneers. The website is down, waiting for confirmation if they our out of business or not.

Entomochef ( (Belgium)
Chris Derudder from Entomochef founded the World Edible Insect Day.

EntoBento ( (USA)

Harmony Micro Farms ( (US) ( (Denmark)
Danish cricket farm in the Copenhagen area. (Germany)
Sell insects since 2002 in Germany.
They also have their own cookbook, and hold cooking classes.

Chapa farms ( (Mexico/Canada)

Anteater ( (New Zealand)

Good Bug Food Shop ( (Netherlands)

Getsharp ( (UK)
Cricket bar

C-FU Foods (, (Canada)
Extracts the protein from crickets and makes their own cricket-tofu: C-FU.
C-FU Food had its own brand One Hop Kitchen ( selling a bolognese with crickets.
C-FU have been bought by Protifarm.

Nordic Insect Economy ( (Finland)

Bugsy Bros ( (Australia)

Gryllies (, (Canada)

Flourish farm ( (USA)

Sustainable boost ( (USA)

Diptera (, (Italy)

Crickstart ( (USA/Canada)
Became Landish.

Lithic Food ( (USA)
Bars, powders and cricket pasta. Closed down in 2019.

Nordic Food Supplements ( (Norway)

Entomo Farm (, (France)

Bugeater Foods ( (USA)

Coalo Valley Farms ( (USA)

Unique Bio Technology ( (Nigeria)

Italibugs ( (Italy)
Italian food (pasta) and sport supplements (protein powder and bar)

Gryö Bars ( (France)

Ïhou ( (France)
” The houhou products are exclusively from our breeding based in the East of France . Our insects are born there and live in an environment created to be as close as possible to their natural ecosystem.”

Microvita ( (Italy)

Tottem Nutrition ( (Canada)
Pasta + cricket powder. ( (The Netherlands)
”At Ento Farm we equip our member Ento Farms (Ento Farmers) with the best customizable insect farming systems for large scale and sustainabe production.”

Nutrinsecta ( (Brazil)

Kafka of Sweden ( (Sweden)
Protein enriched crisp bread.

Nutrient ( (Sweden)
Might get back to farming mealworms and making edible insect products. It’s new focus is tempeh made with peas.
And this is their new brand:

Myldregard (, (Norway)

Coast Protein ( (Canada)
Cricket bars and powder.

Savonia Grasshopper ( (Finland)

In-oil Food ( (The Netherlands)
Making buffalo- and mealworm oil.

Go-eco ( (South Africa)

Nordic Food Lab ( (Denmark)

Edible Bugfarm ( (UK)

Entoma foods ( (Spain)

Khepri (, (France)
Working on a breeding case that can be used by poor communities.

Canadian Crickets ( (Canada)

Honest Protein ( (Switzerland)

Bug Appétit (USA)
The restaurant at the Audubon Butterfly Garden and Insectarium.

Zoic bar ( (UK)
Cricket bar

Insect-o-shi ( (Netherlands)
The company’s primary objective is to create a sushi bar with just edible insects.

Insect Stube ( (Germany)

Leap Protein ( (Australia)

Happy Cricket Food ( (Germany)

Kempen Insect Clustre ( (Belgium)
A cocreation platform for companies up- and downstream to create new products and services around bioconversion with insects.

uKa Protéine ( (Canada)

Unik mat (, (Norway)

Detroit Ento (
A sustainable urban protein firm focusing on locally reared insects for food and feed.

Orbitaverde ( (Mexico)

Yumpa ( (UK)
Cricket bar

Critter Bitters ( (USA)
Cocktail bitters made out of crickets!

1900 Especies ( (Colombia)

Sarastus Foods ( (Finland)

Little food (, (Belgium)

Grilo Protein ( (Australia)
Australian company selling cricket powder (with different flavours) and soon also bars.

Bugs World Solution Food ( (Belgium)

In pulse protein ( (France)
Formally known under the name ”Mon grillon future foods”.

Crillo MX ( (Mexico)

Edible Bug (, (South Korea)
Edible Inc. is developing insect as sustainable protein. Product range: Well-processed edible insect itself and Food materials, Snacks, Noodles, and Health supplements using edible insects

Good  Bug Food Store ( (Netherlands)

Prento farms ( (Puerto Rico)

Tjirp Insect Food ( (The Netherlands)

La Tentation Bala ( (Canada)
Cricket based products.

The Cricket Bakery ( (Australia)
”Have created a range of nutritionally balanced, insect-based, baking blends that contain nothing but real food.”

Rocky Mountain Micro Ranch ( (US)

Open Bug Farm (, (US)
Its been down for quite some time now :(
I’ll check late and see if it comes back

One with everything ( (Australia)

Oh my bug recipes ( (Netherlands)

Millibeter ( (Belgium)

EnfoFitFood ( (Spain)

Qingdao Sino crown biological engineering co ( (China)

Seek ( (USA)
Cricket snack bites.

Rebel Food Tasmania ( (Australia)

Bugs4Beginners ( (USA)
Michaela Dai Zovi has compiled a fantastic cook book packed with loads of insect dishes.
She aslo updates her blog with news and recipes!

Brento ( (Germany)
Bread with insect flour.

Insnack ( (Germany)

Bug & Biscuit ( (USA)

Entomo DSP ( (Canada)

Bug Box ( (France)
Subscribe to a monthly box with edible insect products.

Entomovit ( (Mexico)

Entis ( (Finland)
Started out with selling chocolate covered crickets and now sell smoothies and a meat substitute with soy meal and cricket powder. Last instagram-post >>

Rebel Food Tasmania ( (Australia)

Bug2U ( (Lithuania)

Insecta food ( (Switzerland)

Bbite ( (UK)
Working on products like crackers and pancake mix.

Bitty Foods ( (USA)
Used to sell cricket flour and cookies.
One of the ento-preneur pioneers. Bugburgers has written about Bitty (in Swedish) here >>

Oreka Solutions ( (Canada)
Oreka is a leading supplier of premium-grade black soldier fly larvae-based feed products that improve animal health and performance. Focusing on aquaculture and livestock, Oreka’s goal is to increase growth rates, reduce mortality, and improve disease resistance with fewer antibiotics.

Totolines ( (Mexico)

Eat Criche ( (Cambodia)

éntomo ( (Ireland)

Bug Foundation (, (Germany)
One of the bug burger pioneers. Sold the company to Kupfer 2021 and now the website is down.
Not sure what will happen to their ”bux burger” (which was its original name”.

Midgard Farms ( (Canada)

Insect Technology Group ( (UK)
We are focused on commercialising industrial scale insect-based technologoies to upcycle organic feedstocks.

Finsect ( (Finland)

Haocheng MealWorm Inc ( (China)

Imago insect products ( (Germany)
Protein flour, dried crickets and proteinbars.

Jurassic Snacks ( (USA)

Harmony Cricket Farms ( (USA)

Infinite Food Group (Cricket Market) ( (Panama)
Founded by Canadian, Cricket Market is the first and only autorised Commercial Cricket Farm in Panama. Central and south America Largest cricket farm focused on organic and 100% tracability.

Yes Crickets ( (Canada)
Premium Canadian cricket farm growing crickets and also selling flavoured dry-roasted crickets and protein powder.

CheWOW ( (Germany)
Formally known under the name Bold foods. Create vegetarian and ento-vegetarian food products. Their insect ingredient: Buffalo worms.

Instinct ( (Germany)
A bar from Bear Protein.

Biteback (, (Indonesia)
Developing an alternative to Palm oil: meal worm oil!’

Bug Bacon ( (Cambodia/Malaysia)
The entovegan, Josh Galts creation: roasted black sodier fly larvae that taste like bacon.

Green Bee Entomology ( (UK)

Verteco Farm ( (Sweden)

Grillocrickets ( (Mexico)

Illegal oats ( (USA)
Making granola containing mealworms.

Becrit ( (Spain)

Gourmet Grub ( (South Africa)
Makes ”entomilk” from Black Soldier Fly larvae, and ice cream out of the entomilk!

Winko ( (Mexico)
Grasshopper chips.

Brinkos ( (Mexico)

Cochua ( (Mexico)

Entomo DSP ( (Canada)

Ultuna Vertical Farming (Sweden)

Sohos (Sweden)

Cricket Express ( (Sweden)

Crickeat ( (France)

Bite Snacks ( (Canada)

Incredible Insects ( (Germany)

Okuhle Brands ( (South Africa)
Making mopane based products. Like an instant porridge infused with Mopane worms and Mopane worms protein powder.

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The End… but its far away from complete! Please write a comment below if you want to add a company

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166 tankar om “The Eating insects startups: Here is the list of Entopreneurs around the world!”

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