Prepare the kids for the future: With the food toy Bug Mac!

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The ”world leading sustainability award” Win win award have come up with an interesting concept to prepare our kids for future food. They have created 3d models of sustainable food that we will eat more of in the future. The 3d models are completely free, and the idea is that anyone with a 3d printer can print them out and make toys for their kids.

The menu of the future consists of algae, food waste, powders, and of course: insects. And you might recognize the form factor: A bug burger, or ”Bug Mac” as the creators call it. Learn more about the different printable toys in the film below, and find even more info on the Play Food For the Future website ( where you can download the 3d models for free.

The Bug Mac (with the rather strange looking mealworm burger…) can be found here >>



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